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Dietary Nutrition 101: 4 Health Benefits to Eating Oranges Daily

orange fruit in white ceramic plate close-up photography

In today’s society, the approach towards health has taken a more holistic viewpoint, with health buffs all around the world pushing for better and more personalized self-care. While exercise remains a crucial component, the daily diet and its corresponding nutrition have taken the fore—with nutritionists lobbying that health is only as good as what you ingest.

Fruits are some of the easiest products to eat and are by all rights incredibly healthy. In fact, it is highly recommended to eat fruits daily to receive all of your body’s needed nutrition. Undoubtedly, some fruits are packed with more fruits than others, but one fruit, in particular, stands out: the orange.

Affordable and widely available, oranges are now being lauded as a superfruit packed with vitamins and nutrients to power your body through the day. To help cement this point, here are four health benefits that eating oranges on the daily provides you.

It’s filled with antioxidants

Antioxidants are known to be some of the healthiest substances in food. Known for inhibiting oxidation, these are highly correlated to overall health and general wellness—which is why it’s always recommended to load up on antioxidants on a regular basis. Oranges are known to be filled with flavonoid antioxidants, thus making it one of the best food items to take on the daily.

It’s rich in Vitamin C

Orange is a citrus fruit, and these are well-known for having high dosages of vitamin C. In fact, one medium-sized orange can already fill about 80% of your body’s daily need for it.

A key component in supporting immune health, this vitamin also helps produce collagen and reduce inflammation—making it a great vitamin to stock up on the daily. Furthermore, it’s impossible to overdose from this, which is why many doctors recommend bombing your body with vitamin C if you aren’t feeling well.

It’s full of water

The human body is primarily filled with water, which is why replenishing your body with water has to be done regularly to survive! Although drinking water is the surefire way of getting your required daily intake, it’s also possible to get a bit of water through the food that you take in.

Oranges, in particular, are filled with water—so much so that one average-sized orange contains about half a cup of water! While this may seem a paltry amount, given all the other nutritional benefits it has, it makes oranges an incredible fruit to stock up on.

It contains protective fiber

Oranges are also known for having a tremendous amount of gut-protecting fibers, containing enough to fill at least 12% of your body’s daily fiber needs. Fiber is known for cleaning up your insides, which is great to do on a general basis for better health and overall bodily functioning. It also helps support digestive function and even regulates blood cholesterol and sugar—making it a great fruit for your overall health.

The Bottom Line

Oranges may be small fruit, but including them into your daily diet can easily see your body reaping its tremendous benefits. The best thing about them is that they’re quite easy to find and incredibly delicious—making this healthy morsel a treat more than anything else.

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