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3 Reasons You Should Drink a Glass of Wine Every Day

person pouring red wine on wine glass

When it comes to be-all, end-all cures and solutions for keeping one’s health on point, many Americans jump to the idea of eating fruits and veggies, cutting out fast food, and breaking a sweat at the gym.

While it may be clear that each of these approaches has its own merit in improving and protecting anyone’s health, there’s one addition that should definitely be part of your routine: a glass of wine.

Why wine?

Now, it may sound a bit counterintuitive at first. Don’t the grape-derived beverage’s alcoholic nature take away the fact that it holds much promise in helping you live your healthiest life?

Over time, bottles of either red or white wine have been shown to yield even more astounding benefits. When taken in moderation, the drink—which has been around since the age of the Roman Empire—yields a wide range of benefits, from memory improvement and weight loss to improved cardiovascular health.

The benefits of one glass a day

As America continues to climb the ranks in wine consumption year after year, it’s clear that the claimed advantages of the alcoholic beverage are no fluke. To best understand why you should start drinking a glass of wine every day, let’s go over each of the benefits that come with a healthy consumption of vino

A glass a day strengthens your bone

In a study called “Wine and Bone Health: A Review” by Kutlesa, Z., et. al., it was proven that light-to-moderate wine consumption yields beneficial effects on both the skeletal system and bone health. Researchers also discovered that a glass or two a day can reduce bone mass loss and fractures because wine contains phenolic compounds and strong phytoestrogens—two key components for supporting bone health.

With great wine comes an even better body

Another significant benefit that comes with drinking a glass of red or white wine a day is significant weight loss and increased fat burning capabilities.

According to John E. Blundell and France Bellisle‘s “Satiation, Satiety and the Control of Food Intake: Theory and Practice” studies have shown that moderate wine drinkers have narrower waists and less abdominal fat than those who drank liquor. Furthermore, the book also states that downing a glass of wine can lead to an enhanced calorie burn for 90 minutes after consumption.

A bottle of red or white is also great for the memory

Within the past few years, an increasing number of American elderly have taken a liking to consume wine above other kinds of alcohol—and for one reason: it helps improve one’s memory.

According to Tedd Goldfinger, DO., who is a practitioner at the University of Arizona School of Medicine, the fermented beverage significantly prevents the development of clots and blood vessel inflammation. These two factors are commonly linked to cognitive decline. By drinking a glass a day, you can remember better and enjoy the clarity of mind similar to the state you had in your younger years!


Thanks to the continuous efforts of researchers and scientists all over the world, it has become clearer and clearer that the health benefits that can be found in wine are not to be taken lightly. If you’re looking for a drink that does you far more good than harm and helps keep your youthful vigor intact, then the wine is definitely the way to go.

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