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The State of Hospital Pharmacies in 2020: What You Need to Know


The race to find effective means to prevent the spread of COVID-19 continues, and the pharmaceutical industry is front and center of the world’s best effort to contain the pandemic. It is led by two pharmacy giants, Pfizer and Moderna, whose vaccines have passed recent clinical trials. 

Pharmacy is also an integral part of local hospitals’ ever-changing effort to contain COVID-19 and provide timely healthcare for all patients. The pandemic has made it clear that a comprehensive reevaluation of the hospital pharmacist’s role is in order and should no longer be regarded as mere pill providers and drug store merchants. But what exactly can the modern healthcare industry expect of hospital pharmacists as we move forward? 

This article will provide you with relevant insights that medical professionals like you need to know about hospital pharmacists. Take this as an opportunity to reexamine the traditional setup of hospital care and find innovative, more collaborative ways to treat patients—what the healthcare industry is meant to be.  

New Hospital Dynamics Through Telemedicine 

Telemedicine is not a new form of treatment, as hospitals have been using it to tend to patients in far-flung places. The new measures set by local governments and medical professionals have only made the practice more commonplace. It is because physicians need to self-quarantine to prevent coronavirus spread, but the capabilities of telemedicine can be further enhanced in the hospitals’ pharmaceutical units. 

One major change being considered is the relationship between pharmacists and medicine suppliers. They can use telemedicine as an access point for patients and other medical experts to provide efficient remote healthcare.

For example, a hospital pharmacist can coordinate with an at-home patient about their progress on their medication treatment for their diabetes and depression. The telemedicine can be a video conferencing session with the medicine supplier to ensure that the patient gets instant access to the maintenance pills they need. There are also on-call physicians in case of emergencies and other immediate concerns. 

Management of COVID-19 Supplies (Swab Tests & Antiviral Drugs)

Another way for hospital pharmacists to play an important role is in the effective supplies management for COVID-19 cases. It concerns both the diagnostic phase and treatment for infected patients. This change is meant to provide more leeway for medical technicians, physicians, and hospital staff to concern themselves with other priorities. 

For example, let’s say it’s a busy day at your hospital. Many physicians and nurses are tending to many COVID-19 cases, meaning they need to self-isolate and block off their rooms from the rest of the hospital. Hospital pharmacists can be put in charge of COVID-19 medicines and diagnostic kits to ensure proper organization, timely procurement of equipment, and effective restocking through coordination with suppliers. Hospitals just need to be more adaptive and find effective ways that work best for their practice. 

Hospital Aftercare: The Assessment of Possible Medication Side-Effects 

The state of outgoing patients from hospitals is now more crucial than ever because there are times when their medication may trigger side effects. It is vital because there may be times when COVID-like symptoms, such as fever and breathing trouble, can cause alarm for patients taking certain medications. 

Hospital pharmacists can inform patients and assist them with their aftercare by detailing their medication’s possible effects and ensuring their safety when taking potent medications. Doing so allows the hospital to be in service to all clients. 


Hospitals continue to rise to the challenges of the pandemic, and fortunately, hospital pharmacists can be part of the solution. Medical professionals just need to be open to the New Normal possibilities and be equipped with the timely information they need to streamline their services for all patients.

Stay informed on the medical industry and adapt to be a better healthcare provider today!  

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