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6 Stretches That Help to Obtain Quick Stress Relief

woman stretching her body

Stress has become inevitable in today’s fast-paced life; it may come from an email, your morning commute, or the number of meetings that you need to attend in a day. With so many tasks to accomplish, it’s no surprise that stress has taken over many people’s bodies, which eventually leads to muscle tension and stiffness. 

If you usually sit in front of your desk for hours at a time, you can expect muscle stiffness that eventually leads to stress. Keep in mind that stiff muscles don’t only restrict your range of motion, but it also affects how you feel physically and mentally. Because of this, stretching is crucial, and it must be done regularly

According to Kelsey Decker, a personal trainer, “Stretching and movement provide proper circulation, increase oxygen, and release tension in your muscles.” These movements will help you simmer down as it increases circulation that relaxes the muscles, which then elevates your mood. 

When you stretch, you will automatically breathe deeply in between, which then provides a higher oxygen level that slows down your heart rate and blood pressure. After a couple of stretches, the physical tension will slowly fade away, and it will send a message to your body that it needs to relax. 

In this article, we will share six stretches that can help to obtain quick stress relief. At the same time, keep in mind that it is recommended you do these stretches for 15 to 30 seconds and repeat each stretch two to four times. 

1. Child’s Pose

One of the areas that hold lots of tension in the body is your lower back. This is why there are many people, mostly young adults, who complain about lower back pain even if they don’t have any underlying medical conditions. If you often experience pain in your lower back, doing the child’s pose is an excellent way to relieve the tension. Plus, it’s very relaxing as well. 

2. Happy Baby

Open up your hips and relieve the tight muscles on your back. Unknowingly, it is very easy to maintain a bad posture, especially when you’re seated for hours. This is what easily leads to back pain or tension. The happy baby is a yoga stretch that can help alleviate chronic back pain. 

3. Spinal Twist (Seated)

As a great stretch to do when you’re stuck at the office or in front of your desk at home, the seated spinal twist combines a deep breath and twisting motion. It relieves you of stress while it relieves the spine of tension. 

4. Lying Glute Stretch

As another good stretch for individuals who spend lots of time seated, this type of stretch will promote movement into your lower back. On top of that, it can help relieve tight hamstrings. 

5. Wide-Legged Forward Fold Plus Chest Expansion

This type of stretch is perfect if you want to do it all in one movement. It is a recommended stretch if you have tight hamstrings, chest, and shoulder muscles. 

6. Chest Opener

If you’re looking for a quick stress release, this stretch is one that you must try. It promotes proper posture and releases tension through the chest to encourage better oxygen and circulation in the body. 


As mentioned, stress has become an inevitable part of life. Yet, that doesn’t mean you should let it take over your life. Remember that you can take control of the situation by doing activities to counter its effects. The six stretches mentioned above will help you relieve stress and get your muscles working again to promote energy and productivity. 

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