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5 Soothing Home Remedies for Coughs – What to Know

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Coughing is your body’s response to clear your throat or airway from phlegm, infections, and irritants. This is generally normal and harmless, but a persistent cough can be uncomfortable. Worse, this can prevent you from focusing on your tasks, interfere with your daily activities, keep you up at night, disrupt your sleep, and even distract the people around you. To treat your cough in a safe, fast, and natural way, here are some home remedies that are worth the try:

Drink hot beverages

Loading up on fluids at room temperature is effective in curing your cough. If you are experiencing symptoms of the flu or cold, then you may consider warming up your drink. Whether you opt for a Vitamin C-filled fresh juice or a cup of coffee, a hot beverage can instantly relieve your sore throat and provide you with a much-needed comfort to ease your exhaustion. 

Brew up a ginger tea

Ginger contains anti-inflammatory compounds that are said to be responsible for relaxing your membranes, which may be helpful in easing your cough and pain. To yield its health benefits to the fullest, brew up a ginger tea by combining 20-40 grams of ginger slices with a cup of hot water. You may also add honey or lemon juice according to your liking to enhance its taste and boost its nutrients and health properties.

Gargle saltwater solution

Whether you are experiencing cough, cold, or sore throat, a simple yet effective remedy to treat your medical concerns is to gargle saltwater. This can ease your discomfort and pain by lessening the mucus and phlegm in your throat and kill the bacteria in your mouth. 

To create a saltwater solution, add a teaspoon of salt into a full glass of warm water, and stir it well. Gargle the solution for several seconds and let it stay at the back of your throat before spitting it out.

Consume foods or beverages that are rich in probiotics

While probiotics do not directly treat your cough, they have the power to improve your immune system and fight off infections and other allergens, helping you relieve your cough. You may consider consuming foods or beverages that are rich in probiotics, such as yogurt and miso soup. Also, you may try using probiotic supplements.

Prepare some honey tea

A simple yet effective cough remedy you can easily prepare at home is honey tea. All you have to do is to squeeze some lemon juice into a cup of warm water and add 1-2 teaspoons of honey. This sweet substance can effectively thin your mucus and clear your phlegm, while the lemon juice can treat your nasal congestion. 


You don’t have to break your bank and spend too much on medicines just to relieve your cough. Sometimes, you can find the ingredients to create fast cough relief right at the comfort of your home. You just need to look for the latest health and medical news to equip yourself with the right information to make effective home remedies for your cough.

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