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5 Reasons Your Baby Sucks On Their Hand

baby lying on fabric cloth

As babies develop, they learn more ways to communicate their wants and needs. They start off by crying when they’re upset, or by cooing if they simply want to interact with their parents. As babies have yet to learn to communicate in easily understandable ways, they have come up with their own unique communicative methods, and that includes sucking on their hands.

If you noticed that your baby constantly has their hand in their mouth, they may be trying to tell you something. This can be difficult to figure out, as this can mean a number of different things. While it will largely depend on how old they are and other developments they’re currently undergoing, here are possible reasons they may be sucking on their hand: 

They’re Hungry

At their early stages, babies associate the act of sucking with intaking food. As newborns have yet to form any teeth, they need to suck—whether on a bottle or on a nipple—to get their nourishment. When they start sucking on their fist, they may be trying to alert you that they’re ready for their next meal.

It’s important to take note that babies have other cues to indicate their hunger, most of which involve their mouths. They may be opening and closing their mouths or smacking their lips to signal that they’re due for another feeding. 

They’re Soothing Themselves

If you have just fed your baby and you catch them sucking on their hand, you may feel confused at what they’re trying to tell you. Apart from hunger, babies suck their hands to help themselves wind down into sleep, as they usually fall asleep while feeding. 

Even if they’re not trying to sleep, sucking on their hands can be a sign that they are trying to calm themselves, especially if they are stressed. This is a good indicator that your baby is learning to soothe themselves, which is a healthy sign of their development.

They’re Teething

When babies are between four to seven months old, their gums begin to hurt because they are starting to teethe. Rubbing these sore spots against something relieves them of any irritation caused by teething. It may also cause them to drool more than usual, wake up more frequently, or act irritable, so to see them sucking their hands is their own way to cope with these changes.

They’re Exploring

Babies are brought into a brand new world that they are completely unfamiliar with—and that includes their own hands. As time passes by, they begin to realize that their hands are attached to them and are within their control. They can use these to put things in their mouths, wave objects around, or even pick things up. A baby sucking on their hand is a sign that they’re investigating the possibilities of their hand at an early age.

They’re Bored

As a baby gets a little older, they start to spend more time awake instead of crying, eating, and sleeping. These idle times spent in their cribs or in a bouncy seat can sometimes leave them with nothing to do except to suck their hand. It may be an indication that they are bored and would like a new activity to engage in, such as playing with their toys.

Bottom Line

When babies suck on their hands, it’s usually their way of trying to tell you that they want or need something, so there are no risks to be concerned about. As long as their hands are clean, they’re in a safe environment, and they are not showing signs of discomfort, then there’s no harm done from hand-sucking. 

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