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5 Healthy Foods & Drinks That Will Help Reduce Stress: Part 2


As you may have heard time and time again, stress is a big no-no in living a healthy life. Not only does it turn your world upside down, but it also leads to many illnesses and lowers your lifespan. In the previous post, we’ve stressed the importance of health and how consuming various foods and beverages can reduce your stress levels. 

In this article, we’ll further share with you another five healthy foods and drinks that will help fight off stress:

1. Garlic

It’s a good thing that garlic is an everyday household staple. But if you’re someone who tends to skip eating this herb, you may want to reconsider. This ingredient is very high in sulfur compounds, which is vital in increasing your glutathione level. This antioxidant serves as your body’s first line of defense against stress. If you consume regular doses on it, you will find yourself with lower stress levels so that you can perform better at your job!

2. Parsley

Another nutritious herb packed with antioxidants is parsley. As you should be aware, antioxidant properties help get rid of free radicals in your body and protect it from oxidative stress. Remember that oxidative stress is the major culprit for various diseases among many individuals. Because of this, consuming parsley can have a substantial positive impact on your stress and overall well-being.

3. Fatty fish

Did you know that fatty fish types are rich in omega-3 fats and vitamin D? While omega-3 is vital for brain health, vitamin D plays a crucial role in mental health management and stress regulation. You can typically get these nutrients from fish sources like mackerel, herring, salmon, and sardines. Not only will they give you an ample source of protein, but they will also help lower your stress levels and boost your overall mood!

4. Broccoli

Broccoli is deemed a cruciferous vegetable known for its various health benefits. In fact, it is one of the most concentrated food sources of nutrients. It consists of magnesium, vitamin C, and folate, which all have been tested and proven effective at combating stress and depressive symptoms. Apart from reducing the risk of certain cancers and heart diseases, it is also rich in sulforaphane. This compound has neuroprotective properties that provide calming effects and serve as anti-depressants.

5. Chamomile tea

Chamomile has long been used as a medicinal herb since ancient times. This tea is considered a natural stress reducer that is shown to foster sound and restful sleep. Likewise, it is proven to be effective in reducing the symptoms of anxiety and depression. When drinking tea regularly, be sure to opt for chamomile for stress relief.


At this point, we’ve covered ten (the first five in the previous article) healthy foods and beverages that will help fight off stress. To that end, be sure to include them in your diet to reduce your overall stress and foster good health. As a healthcare professional, you must be well-acquainted with these healthy staples and drinks, and be sure to recommend these to your patients as a way to manage and combat their stress. After all, health is the most valuable wealth that will help everyone live a better life!

If you are looking for some recommendations on healthy foods and beverages to relieve stress and promote good health, we’ve got you covered! We provide the latest health and medical news in the healthcare industry, so read our healthcare articles and subscribe to our newsletter today!