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5 Healthy Foods & Drinks That Will Help Reduce Stress: Part 1


It’s been said multiple times that health is wealth. As cliché as it may seem, it is still an intangible possession you can acquire that will help you accomplish your day-to-day activities and have a higher quality of life. 

However, health can be greatly compromised by many internal and external factors. One of these factors is stress, which is an inevitable part of life for many people, especially for healthcare professionals. Yet, if stress levels are left unattended and unmanaged, it can quickly escalate into chronic stress that will have a severe toll on physical health and overall well-being. The good thing is that there are ways to handle and manage stress, and one of these is to opt for quality foods and beverages that will relieve it.

In this article, we’ll share with you five healthy foods and drinks that will help combat your stress:

1. Eggs 

Eggs are known as a great source of protein. However, there’s more to it than what you might expect. In fact, eggs are deemed as nature’s multivitamin due to their amazing nutritional value. They are said to be loaded with vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and antioxidants while also being rich in nutrients required for a healthy stress response. Aside from losing weight and acquiring enough protein, eggs can be your best bet for stress relief.

2. Sweet potatoes

Sweet potatoes are often used as food alternatives for weight loss management, which is a popular option for many obese individuals. But did you know that they are also best for stress relief? This is because these nutrient-rich carb sources help reduce the levels of the stress hormone cortisol. As you should know, chronic stress can impair your cortisol that will lead to pain, inflammation, and other negative repercussions. For this reason, eating whole sweet potatoes for stress management can make all the difference in helping you serve your patients better.

3. Kimchi 

Kimchi is a common staple in Korea, and it has recently become all the rage in other parts of the world. But for the uninitiated, it is a fermented vegetable dish typically made of napa cabbage and radish. As such, it is known as a probiotic that is filled with good bacteria. But apart from this, it is also high in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Ultimately, this fermented food may help reduce your stress and anxiety brought by how your gut health affects your mood and overall mental health.

4. Matcha powder

This green tea powder is known for its L-theanine among health enthusiasts. Remember that L-theanine is a non-protein amino acid that consists of powerful stress-relieving properties. So, if you want to reduce your stress, be sure to eat or drink matcha as a good alternative to green tea and coffee!

5. Swiss chard 

Another stress-relieving food is the Swiss chard, which is a green leafy vegetable packed with nutrients. In fact, a cup of cooked veggie has 36 percent of the recommended daily intake of magnesium. Know that this mineral plays a crucial role in how your body responds to everyday stress. Because of this, be sure to eat this vegetable for ample magnesium content in your body to manage stress.


As a healthcare professional, you must always be on top of your health so that you can care for your patients efficiently and effectively. This is especially important when it comes to your stress levels. Despite the five food and drink options we’ve shared above, we will continue it in the second part––keep an eye out for that! 

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