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5 Fermented Foods and Their Fantastic Health Benefits

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Fermentation has long been a part of human culinary endeavors, predating the discovery of mathematics and the invention of written language. It involves breaking down sugars in a specific ingredient using good bacteria and yeast. This process results in a version of the ingredient that has a longer shelf life and more complex flavors.

However, the benefits of fermented foods don’t stop there. Regular consumption of such culinary delights has been shown to improve digestion, promote better weight management, and other health benefits. 

In this article, we are going to talk about some of the best fermented foods to improve health and bodily functions.


This is a type of fermented tea that is fizzy, tangy, and flavorful. It uses either black or green tea in the fermentation process. 

Research has shown that regular consumption of kombucha can protect the liver and help it manage conditions, like non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Studies in animals have also shown that it effectively lowers blood sugar, LDL cholesterol (the bad kind), and artery-clogging triglycerides. 


Kefir is a type of dairy product that is made by adding kefir grains to milk. These grains are rich in yeast and healthy bacteria, and the fermentation results in a thick and tangy beverage comparable to yogurt. 

Studies are showing that drinking kefir has been associated with a wide array of positive effects, from preventing cancer and the formation of tumors to helping with lactose intolerance. Kefir has also been shown to help those suffering from bone conditions like osteoporosis, and it reduces inflammation. 


Kimchi is one of the main staples of Korean cuisine, usually made from fermented cabbage. Occasionally, radishes may also be included in the fermentation process. 

Kimchi is showing great promise as an inhibitor of insulin resistance, according to some studies. This makes it a healthy and safe food for diabetics to consume, in addition to being delicious. 

It has also shown effectiveness at reducing cholesterol and glucose levels in the blood, cementing its usefulness for treating people with or at risk of diabetes. 


When soybeans are fermented and squeezed into a compact cake, you get a dish called tempeh. Tempeh can be used as a high-protein meat alternative that can be baked, steamed, or sauteed as an addition to certain dishes.

Tempeh is rich in proteins that can lower the levels of LDL cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood, reducing the risk of heart disease and improving heart functions. This is in addition to it being rich in antioxidants that manage the factors that may contribute to chronic diseases.


Yogurt is made by fermenting milk with lactic acids and healthy bacteria, and the best part about it is that it is readily available in most stores. It is rich in calcium, potassium, riboflavin, vitamin B12, and probiotics.

Regular intake of yogurt has been known to improve digestion, reduce blood pressure, and even improve bone density in older adults, as shown in recent studies. The probiotic bacteria in yogurt also improves digestive functions as well as maintain sexual health. 


Fermented foods have long been an underrated staple in human food consumption but are now gaining prevalence as an incredibly healthy and delicious option. The best part about this is that a lot of fermented food is either readily available or easily made in your own home.

If you’re looking for more resources on what foods can improve your health, send us at Dose of Healthcare a message. We have the expertise to help you better manage your health and wellness.