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5 Areas in the Medical Field that Virtual Reality Can Enhance

Medical Field

The idea of virtual reality technology has been around since the 1800s. However, it was during the beginning of the 2010s that the next generation of VR gear set off a new wave of development. 

Fast forward to the present and virtual reality apps are being used for different purposes. Aside from the entertainment industry, they have also found their place in the medical field. They are now used for a wider range of healthcare aspects. For this reason, patients may soon see a new era of medicine—a phase where treatments and procedures are technologically improved. 

On top of that, doctors and other medical personnel will also experience improvements in the way they learn and work. Thanks to virtual reality apps, their medical education is expected to improve further. They will also be able to use these apps to enhance the way they treat their patients. 

In the sections below, you will find five of the many aspects that can be improved by virtual reality apps in the years to come.

1. Medical Education 

As mentioned earlier, virtual reality can improve the quality of training that medical professionals receive. This technology can be utilized to produce high-quality 3D content that students can refer to when studying human anatomy. It can also be used to create virtual surgery applications that let students refine their skills without harming any patient. 

Ultimately, it lets them use 3D models rather than studying corpses, which is a far more ethical approach.

2. Surgeries

Virtual reality can be used to simulate surgical situations. This allows both students and even experienced surgeons to perform surgery on virtual patients and identify potential risks as well as pitfalls. As a result, this allows them to come up with strategies in anticipation of these unforeseen complications. 

These simulations ultimately help them improve their skills and prepare for their surgeries better.

3. Pain Management 

Today, virtual reality is well-known for the role it plays in the entertainment and recreation industry. What’s interesting to note is that its entertainment capabilities can also be applied in the field of medicine. 

With this, virtual reality can be used to help in-hospital patients cope with boredom. They can also be used to keep patients occupied, distracting them while unpleasant procedures such as injections or wound care are done. On top of that, virtual reality can also be used to distract a patient and help manage pain during childbirth.

4. Mental Health Care 

Virtual reality can also be very helpful in treating and preventing disorders. They can be utilized to help patients overcome their stress, fear, and phobias. For example, a person having a fear of heights may undergo a VR test flight to help them acclimate to the sensations of being inside a plane.

5. Addiction Management 

One of the driving forces behind any addiction is the inability of a person to resist a certain trigger. It could be an offer to drink at a social gathering, a seemingly harmless recollection of past consumption or use, or simply the availability of the substance in certain places. 

Health professionals may be able to use virtual reality to help patients craft a response strategy. With a virtual simulation, they can eventually learn to cope with the temptation and say no. 


There’s more to virtual reality than what we have at the moment. As scientists and specialists are on the race to develop the technology further, we will certainly witness new capabilities that will be helpful to the medical industry. On that note, it’s worth mentioning that the applications mentioned above are just some of the many possibilities of using VR in the field. As the technology continues to evolve, we can expect the field of medicine to move forward as well. 

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