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4 Helpful Tips for Wearing a Face Mask During Summer

man wearing a face mask

Masks are definitely a part of the new normal amid COVID-19. Until a cure or vaccine has been created, they could very well be your last line of defense against the pandemic that has infected more than 2 million people in the US alone.

The main issue about wearing masks is the discomfort that it brings, particularly in hot and humid weather. As you go outside during the summer months with your mask on, you may find it harder to breathe. Some people even develop acne as the friction caused by the surface of the most types of face masks can irritate the skin when worn for extended periods. 

With the irritations that it causes you, the only way to go about it is to find out how you can make the experience less painful. In this article, we will share four tips to make wearing a face mask easier during the summer months:

1. Choose a cool and breathable fabric

There are many types of masks available in today’s market, including surgical masks and N-95 respirators. While the latter two are definitely more effective in protecting you from the virus, they also make it harder for you to breathe normally. In addition, because these are in critical demand for healthcare industry workers around the world, they should be reserved for those doing frontline work. 

For the everyday person, even cloth face coverings will reduce transmission by at least 70% if everybody is wearing one. However, you should also keep in mind to stay at least 6 feet from other people in public, and wash your hands frequently with soap and water. Also, remember that it needs to cover your nose and mouth at all times to prevent transmission. 

2. Avoid direct sunlight 

While masks will indeed help protect you from contracting the virus, it can complicate preexisting conditions, such as asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases. In warm and humid weather, this can even lead to shortness of breath and even lead to heat strokes. If you want to stay away from such situations, it is best to avoid walking in direct sunlight for extended periods, and always remember to drink plenty of water so that you can avoid dehydration. 

3. Bring extra masks 

During a hot summer day, sweat and dust can accumulate on the surface of your mask and make breathing even more difficult. If you know that you’re going to be out in public for hours at a time, consider bringing more supplies so that you may swap for a clean one regularly. At the same time, remember to wash your hands before and after changing the mask and dispose of it properly in trash bins. 

4. Stay inside

Staying at home will protect you far more than wearing any type of face mask will. It will also spare you from the discomfort of wearing it in a hot and humid environment. If you really need to go out, plan your trips in advance, and avoid rush hours. Try to get as many tasks done in a single trip so that you can minimize future trips.  


Masks are an unavoidable part of life in living through the COVID-19 pandemic. However, there are always ways to avoid undue discomfort. The best way, however, is to stay away from public gatherings. If you are able, stay inside because some individuals, particularly those who work in critical industries like healthcare, food, and law enforcement, need as much social distancing as they can get.

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