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3 Ways to Stay Safe From COVID-19 During Your Work Commute

photo of group on people sitting inside train

With the current threats posed by COVID-19, resuming daily routines as it was before lockdowns may seem like a death wish that no person should take lightly.  

Whether it’s about eating out with friends, paying a visit to different offices, or canvassing various locations, regular tasks are nearly impossible to perform safely, given the conditions imposed by the virus. As dangerous as times like these may be for public health and safety, a push to uplift the worldwide economy has forced millions into bringing themselves back to work. 

If you’re in a company that took a hit during the Coronavirus pandemic and is now forced to resume operations or risk going bankrupt, then you’ll most likely be required to return to work. Your return to the office essentially means that you’ll be back to doing regular tasks in your routine that may or may not expose you to the risk of COVID-19.

One part of your daily routine that requires more care

Among all the different parts of your pre-lockdown routine that entail the most consideration, the task of commuting is one that requires apt preparation if you want to stay virus-free. Fortunately, reducing your COVID-19 risk during a daily work commute is possible as long as you take the right tips and tricks into mind. 

To ensure that you minimize your risk of exposure during your work commute, here are three ways you can stay safe: 

Tip #1: If you can solo-commute, then seek to do so

One of the most effective ways to minimize the risk of contracting COVID-19 during your daily work commute is to opt for solo commuting as much as possible.

When talking about solo commuting, it is referring to avoiding public transportation like buses, carpools, or trains as they entail being in enclosed spaces that accelerate transmission. Instead of opting for public transit, you may want to drive your vehicle, ride a bike, or walk (or even use an electric scooter) to reduce the chances of exposure. 

Tip #2: If you have to take public transportation, remain covered fully

Another effective way to minimize your risk of contracting COVID-19 during every trip on public transit is to keep yourself covered every inch from head to toe.

For starters, wearing a WHO-approved mask alongside a face shield is an effective way to ensure that no traces of the virus get into your nose, mouth, or eyes, drastically cutting down your risk. If you want to remain thoroughly safe on any trip, you can also wear gloves and put on PPE or jumpsuit to prevent your clothes or skin from touching high-risk surfaces!

Tip #3: Sanitize before, during, and after your commute

Learning how to stay safe during a public commute is a reasonably straightforward effort by all means. Yet, it also entails consistency in your efforts, especially when it comes to sanitizing.

Staying safe during your daily commute to work requires that you learn how to sanitize before entering the bus, train, or car, during your trip, and after you leave. Essential practices like sanitizing your hands with alcohol or alcogel, not touching your eyes, nose, or mouth, and washing your hands with soap and water once you get to your destination will go a long way!


Even though it may seem like a daunting or challenging endeavor at first, commuting as safely as possible and preventing or reducing your risk of exposure to COVID-19 simply entails following all the right tips. With the help of the three critical points mentioned above, you can ensure that every journey to and from the office is a safe one so that you can maintain your health!

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