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3 Top-Ranking Medical Technologies Dominating 2020 – Part 2

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Striving for constant innovation is the key to sustaining quality healthcare, which is why the rising number of medical technologies bring a welcome change to the landscape in more ways than ever. 

Some of these serve as a catalyst for the development of cutting-edge treatments, paving the way for quicker recoveries, minimal pain, non-invasive procedures, and other enhancements that benefit both patients and medical professionals. 

If you’re curious about the latest technologies that dominated 2020, the list below explores some of the best medical advances that deserve your attention: 

1. Turning Fan Fiction Into Reality with Genomics

The concept of manipulating a person’s genomes has always been a dream for the healthcare industry, but it’s steadily breaking through reality as artificial intelligence and machine learning make it possible to work with genomic medicine. 

It played the biggest part in helping scientists produce vaccinations at a remarkably faster rate, particularly since AI-powered software allows for the analysis of genes, mutations, and other contributing factors behind a developing condition. 

Not only do physicians have access to valuable insights on how diseases manifest, but they also have a clearer path on how to treat the condition for good. 

2. Reducing Production Costs with the Help of 3D Printing 

The time and money it takes to manufacture medical prototypes can be draining, especially since it involves extensive research, customization, manufacturing, and further improvements. Fortunately, 3D printing technology can cut the resources by a significant margin, allowing the healthcare industry to drastically save on costs, time, and effort when creating medical and lab equipment. 

Furthermore, 3D printing also extends to surgical purposes such as tissue repair, organ transplants, prosthetics, and more, all of which can become key surgical instruments that can improve precision and provide a visual-tactical aid to improve performance. 

3. Meeting the Ever-Increasing Patient Demands Using 5G

Innovations related to telemedicine are emerging left and right, and one of the latest technologies to join the bandwagon is the integration of 5G in healthcare centers to provide quality care in underserved areas. 

This allows doctors to conduct treatments using AR, VR, and mixed reality, making it possible to monitor patients without any geographical barriers. The combination of AI and the Internet of Medical Things also create opportunities for healthcare institutions to address the growing patient demand, which skyrocketed during the pandemic.

The Bottom Line: Keeping Track of the Medical Innovations Changing the Healthcare Industry in 2020

While 2020 suffered greatly from the sudden, devastating impact of the coronavirus, the rise of multiple technologies provides a silver lining despite failing to make headlines from the media. Even as these innovations work behind the scenes, they continue to enhance the healthcare experience well into the new year and beyond. 

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