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2021 Digital Healthcare: Transforming Care Delivery

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It’s safe to say that in the past year, the healthcare industry has utilized technology and the digital space even more and has transformed how the whole industry operates. Because of the current COVID-19 pandemic, telehealth platforms have advanced into connecting with patients and medical professionals remotely, allowing broader movement and transforming digital healthcare. 

These recent technological advances are carving a path for digital health to be incorporated in care delivery. And one type of advancement that can pave the way is incorporating artificial intelligence into the system. This has made healthcare systems launch initiatives to help patients access health services digitally, wherever they are. Thus, digital health services have become an efficient way to engage with people in their health journeys. 

In this article, we’ll discuss how 2021 will be like in digital healthcare, how care delivery is being transformed, and how to break barriers in the system.

1. Build a strong and responsive digital infrastructure

When shifting to a digital care delivery, the organization must consider the infrastructure, operability, and how to share and deliver data to patients and medical professionals seamlessly. 

Although the healthcare industry will take the lead in this, they’ll need to collaborate with regulators, policymakers, and health IT vendors to create a system that can deliver exceptional digital healthcare services and touch a broader audience, including rural communities. 

2. Introduce, engage, and activate

To successfully incorporate digital health services in the healthcare sector, organizations and healthcare leaders must outline to stakeholders the benefits of using digital health efforts. They must also back up these claims with proven clinical tests and real-world evidence. 

This may take time and a lot of research, but the results are ultimately worth it, especially when digital healthcare is finally streamlined into the system. 

3. Expansion to rural and underserved populations

Unfortunately, healthcare services are challenging to receive in rural and underserved areas. But thankfully, with digital health, bringing in real-time healthcare services is a powerful and cost-effective way to tap vulnerable communities. 

With digital healthcare, healthcare facilities and leaders will provide continuity of care to manage various conditions to vulnerable communities who are reluctant to seek care due to their conditions or social stigma. 

4. Single source for rich and reliable data

Another great thing about digital healthcare is that it will also improve the way medical professionals share crucial medical information and patient data. 

It is accepted that there is better management in dealing with chronic illnesses when there is an improved collaboration across the healthcare continuum. For this reason, digital healthcare can provide this type of accessibility with ease, allowing operations to improve dramatically. 

5. Patient-centered focus

With digital healthcare, healthcare professionals will be able to track patients’ information, such as their food consumption, distress level, social determinants, and other factors, which are all needed to understand their overall health and wellness.

With that, these digital solutions will improve the way professionals interact with patients, whether it be in-person or virtually. 


The digital landscape is changing quickly, especially in the healthcare industry. Once the industry has streamlined digital healthcare, the way care is provided will be transformed, and barriers and challenges will be broken, allowing everyone to receive the right healthcare service they need. 

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